Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 31

Talk about release of endorfines... With the combination of hard workout and sunshine, I'm so happy that I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself. I've got a whole hour to kill before people start arriving for the dinner tonight.. Oh yea: I'm hosting a dinner for the norwegian students in Wellington tonight. Got quite an allright number of people who signed up, about 10ish. I'm making a norwegian speciality: Milk rice porridge with cinnamon, sugar and a dot of butter. It's the standard saturday meal... Ok, so it's not saturday, but that doesn't matter. I'll be having salad though... heh. :D

It's weird how ppl from different parts of the country have different ways of decorating their porridge.. this guy is just doing it all wrong, seen from my perspective. First the butter should go in the MIDDLE, then the Cinnamon around it!! And then the sugar. :D
I'm going senile I think. By the time I finished workout today I couldn't rememeber what I started with... I just finished the abs workout, and couldn't understand why my legs were tired. Because I started with the step machine, that's why!

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